Comments on: From USMLE Step 1 226 to Step 2CK 260: Prevent/Overcome an Average Step 1 Score Mastery - Not Memorization - For Impressive USMLEs Tue, 16 Jul 2019 02:43:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: TKS Thu, 27 Jun 2019 22:21:52 +0000 Hey! Thank you for all of your postings! I have 3 weeks before Step 2 CK, and I’m starting to plateau with my scores. How can I strengthen my understanding of concepts without falling too behind? I’m using the Step 2 deck and UWORLD right now, but I still feel weak on many concepts and resort to memorizing information instead. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

By: V R Sat, 20 Apr 2019 03:27:58 +0000 I’m curious…I just read about the student who raised her score from 220s to 260 with your help. Do you think that using yousmle anki decks strategically is key in her increase of score? I’m sorry for bothering. Im taking the step 2 in >2months, scoring 71%avg uworld in my 2nd pass and I really want to improve my step 1 score (also 220s). Is pharm a must?
Thanks for sharing on your blog.

By: IM Sat, 20 Jan 2018 18:52:38 +0000 Dear Alec,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for the effort that you’re making in order to make this journey easier for all of us. Your weekly emails are both heartening and Informative!
I took Step 1 in August 2017 and got a score of 246. I have recently purchased your Step 2CK deck and I would like to ask you what resources other than Uworld I should use to solidify my concepts for this exam? I have a dedicated study period of 8 weeks for this exam and I’m aiming for a 250+. Is this this time frame sufficient for preparation?

It would be wonderful to get some insight from you!

By: Yousmle Mon, 05 Jun 2017 02:14:25 +0000 In reply to Ali.

What cards are you using? Please show me a screenshot.

By: Ali Sun, 04 Jun 2017 20:50:55 +0000 Hi Alec, my Anki suddenly has told me I have no reviews today or in the future. Not sure what happened, I should have about 200 today. All the cards are still there. Do you by any chance know what might have happened and how to reverse it back so I get my review schedule back?

By: Yousmle Sun, 12 Feb 2017 20:06:00 +0000 In reply to Tami.

Thanks for your kind words! All of these things should be true – you will DEFINITELY also have adrenal cortical atrophy.

By: Tami Fri, 10 Feb 2017 04:24:45 +0000 ]]> Hi Alec!

I hope all is well with you. I hope you don’t mind, but I have another question about your ANKI Step 1 Deck. In the attached picture, you say that the chronic corticosteroid use is causing CRH/ACTH-secreting cells atrophy. And that would be in the hypothalamus and pituitary. However, everywhere I’ve read (incl. FA), it always says that the atrophy occurs in the adrenal cortex (specifically zona fasciculata).

If you can clarify, I’d sincerely appreciate it. Thank you again for an amazing deck. I’ve started adding cards to your deck as I do practice questions on UW. I’ve definitely gotten the hang of making them and find the whole system highly effective! 😊

By: Yousmle Sat, 21 Jan 2017 00:49:04 +0000 In reply to Tami.

Generally, the weaker the binding → more selective for rapidly-depolarizing cells. For example, for that reason, because 1B blockers bind weakly → they are most selective for rapidly-depolarizing cells, and will decrease the action potential duration.

By: Tami Thu, 19 Jan 2017 20:03:06 +0000
Hi Alec,

I hope all is well with you. I’m having a small problem understanding one of your anki cards. I’ve tried to look it up to clarify, but what you wrote and what I’m reading is not correlating well with me. I was hoping you can elucidate the card for me? I’d sincerely appreciate it. (I’m attaching a screen shot of the anki card I’m referring to.)

By: Jessica Sun, 15 Jan 2017 03:45:32 +0000 Hi,
I’m looking to buy the Step 1 deck and Pharm deck. On this page it states to “buy the decks at a combo for a better price” but when I click on the link there no option for combining decks. I searched your website but couldn’t find any other listings for combos/specials 🙁 Please let me know where I can find this. Thanks!
