Comments on: The Best Winter Break Step 1 Study Plan Mastery - Not Memorization - For Impressive USMLEs Fri, 11 Dec 2020 19:05:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yousmle Fri, 11 Dec 2020 19:05:11 +0000 In reply to Sun Singh.

Your burnout score is extremely high – it is not surprising that you have such a hard time focusing. Most people that are that burned out will feel overwhelmed, despondent, lash out at those around them, and have a very difficult time focusing, let alone master the material properly to do well on the USMLEs. It may feel like you’re at the bottom of a deep pit, but there are definitely ways that you can (eventually) crawl out.

It’s very difficult to give specific advice, without working with you one-on-one. Generally, though, for students that I tutor, if you’re that burned out, the best thing you can do is take a significant period of time off and do activities that give you flow – if you’re that burned out, I’d say probably at least a week:

Once you’re done with that, if you’re interested in tutoring, you can set up a free consultation here:

Dr. P

By: Sun Singh Wed, 09 Dec 2020 19:19:06 +0000 In reply to Yousmle.

Thank you for the expeditious reply DR. P.

Update: Wow. I scored a 67 (extremely to close to being burned out if not already. This is very challenging and quite debilitating, though, not shocking). I am pretty spent and tired. But I can’t quit and won’t quit. How can I overcome this as far at the steps are concerned? Do I need guidance or a tutor? I have read every subject over the past few years but have never made one meaningful, focused, and consolidated effort due to “life getting in the way.” Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

Thanks you for the responses!


By: Yousmle Wed, 09 Dec 2020 11:15:30 +0000 In reply to Bronxbomma.

Hi SS,

Thanks for your question. I can only imagine how distressed and discouraged you must feel for having studied for so long and yet not see the results (retention, ability to concentrate, etc.) you desire. Knowing a system well and then forgetting it is expected if you aren’t using a technique to retain the information, like spaced repetition. As far as difficulty concentrating/focusing, especially given your difficulties so far, may very well be due to burnout. I use this as a means to track burnout in the students I work with (and myself) and it may be useful for you to assess how much burnout is affecting your studying:

Dr. P

By: Bronxbomma Sun, 06 Dec 2020 22:21:23 +0000 Hi Alec,

I am having a difficult time studying and have fallen off the proverbial study mountain many times over the last few years and am mentally drained and exhausted. Now when I learn system, I know it cold and can answer 85-90 percent of any q bank but two weeks later, if you ask me the same Q bank question, I forget how to answer it or even the material which had studied. Is that normal? I am not sure if it’s me or my study method. I have also found it difficult to concentrate and focus on sentences I am reading in the text. I am it sure if it’s a learning issue. Anyway, I am an old IMG with dreams of applying for MATCH In September. I have both steps to complete. I need some direction.


By: Maddie Ellis Sun, 19 Jan 2020 15:33:39 +0000 Hi Alec, I tried using the link for the sample ANS Pharm cards and the dropbox page is saying there is an error with the link. Is there anyway to sort this out so that I can download the cards?
