Comments on: Why I Stopped Using Zanki and Brosencephalon Mastery - Not Memorization - For Impressive USMLEs Mon, 24 Jan 2022 22:47:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yousmle Mon, 24 Jan 2022 22:47:39 +0000 In reply to Journee Far.

Hi Journee! I can only imagine how overwhelmed you must feel right now, with so many resources floating around, particularly with Step 1 going pass-fail and the shift to Step 2 CK being the “New Step 1.” It’s hard not to be sucked into thinking that you should be adding a ton of resources.

If you haven’t read them, I’d recommend these two posts as they may relate to what you are feeling:

Also, you can schedule a free consultation with us here:

Yes, we are a business, and help nominally with “test prep.” But ultimately this was the best way I could find to help students in the ways they needed the most – how to navigate the numerous resources available to them in a way that made sense, created a sense of focus and calm, and brought them lasting benefits for their exams and careers. You have no obligation to buy anything from us – we’d love to help you on your journey regardless.

Dr. P

By: Journee Far Mon, 24 Jan 2022 15:29:03 +0000 Hi there! Thanks for the transparency and posting on the Z/Anki cards. What do you think about using USLME-Rx as Med1? I am starting med school soon. I had so much anxiety that I started studying early. This has helped me relax tremendously. I’ve been going through the “Bricks” in Uslme-Rx. Any thoughts on using this resource so early on? Would it help to use AMBOSS instead? From reading many reviews, it seems like people don’t start with Uslme-Rx, AMBOSS, Uworld, Kaplan etc resources until Med2/3. There are SO MANY resources floating around. It is quite overwhelming.

By: Racquel A Thompson Sat, 22 Jan 2022 21:15:49 +0000 Hi there! Thanks for the transparency on the Z/Anki cards. What do you think about using USLME-Rx as Med1? I am starting med school soon. I had so much anxiety that I started studying early. This has helped me relax tremendously. I’ve been going through the “Bricks” in Uslme-Rx. Any thoughts on using this resource so early on? from reading many reviews, it seems like people don’t start with this resource until Med3.
