Comments on: A Harvard Program Director’s Ideal Residency Applicant Mastery - Not Memorization - For Impressive USMLEs Sun, 07 Jul 2019 18:06:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bhardwaj Sun, 07 Jul 2019 18:06:19 +0000 Hi Sir. So if you were the program director of Internal Medicine or Family medicine program that I applied to…. and I addressed why I took 5-6 years after graduating to apply for my residency as I was getting my Masters degree in TCM. Would that be a red flag or if explained why? Can come as a positive part on resume. Is the commitment to medicine and studying human body limited to western medicine only? Or studying human body From a different perspective is also considered committment to medicine by program directors?Just curious to know before applying for my residency.

By: Zahra Alaradi Wed, 26 Jun 2019 17:35:14 +0000 This article was exactly what I was looking for!! It answered many of questions I had for a long time. I can’t thank you enough Alec, really!
How many years after graduation is considered too long or a a red flag?
