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Top 10 Tips for Maintaining Your Health While in Medical School

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by Yousmle Staff in Top 10

One irony surrounding attending medical school is that a student might slip into an unhealthy lifestyle. All school students experience problems where they gain weight or slip out of healthy routines while studying. These problems occur because many students might not have enough time to think about their health and how to manage it well. You can use ten helpful tips for when you’re looking to manage your health while in medical school.

Tips for Managing Health in Medical School

1. Always eat a healthy breakfast.

Medical students often skip breakfast because they don’t think they have enough time for it. But people who eat breakfast every morning think better and have easier times recalling information. People also won’t feel distracted and hungry during the day either.

You can plan your breakfast the night before and then schedule enough time for eating before heading out to class or a study session. Make sure your breakfast is nutritious and healthy enough to where you will have something you can earnestly enjoy.

2. Keep your snacks healthy.

There’s nothing wrong with snacking during the day, as it’s necessary to help you stay focused while feeling better about yourself. But you can’t stick with any ordinary snack, as various unhealthy snacks filled with calories and fats might not help you stay active. You could become sluggish because you’ve eaten so much food in a short period.

Look for healthy snacks, including dried fruits or vegetables, nuts, or plain cheese sticks. These snacks are delicious and will help you stay energized. You will probably feel good about yourself, as you’re sticking with something smart without resorting to big or bulky foods that won’t give you much.

3. Drink water throughout the day.

One of the most important health tips for medical school is staying hydrated. Drinking water throughout the day helps you stay focused, as you won’t feel distracted from being thirsty. You will remain alert and ready to learn or study as you stay hydrated. You’ll also feel more prepared to complete whatever tests or exams you’re trying to take.

You can always enjoy flavored water products or mixes if you’re not interested in plain water. But make sure whatever you add doesn’t contain any sugar or has a minimal amount. Don’t forget to bring a refillable water bottle wherever you go.

4. Plan your meals.

You don’t have to struggle when trying to plan your meals in between classes. You can schedule meals with healthy fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy proteins like lean meats and eggs. Your meals can include more protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins and minerals to help you stay healthy while maintaining your focus. This part of living healthy in medical school is essential, as planning your meals helps you stick to a proper schedule while keeping you from eating more unhealthy foods that likely aren’t good for you.

5. Look for whatever wellness programs your school provides.

Many medical schools offer wellness programs where you can learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. Schools recognize that while many medical students want to help other people be healthy, they often don’t know how to manage their health.

Wellness programs often include courses and seminars where you can learn about healthy eating, exercising, and managing anxiety and stress. The things you can discover in a program will help you understand how to care for yourself well.

For more on why practicing wellness is essential for every medical student to avoid stress and burnout

6. Plan physical exercise a few times a week.

You don’t have to spend all day exercising to be healthy. You can schedule a thirty to sixty-minute session about three to four times a week, for example. Whether it involves taking a walk or a few laps in a swimming pool, anything that helps you stay physically active will help. In addition to burning calories and helping you feel energetic, you can also reduce stress and anxiety. The mental health support you’ll get from regular exercise will help you feel better about yourself.

7. Avoid controlled substances.

People in medical school often become interested in controlled substances. Some do this out of curiosity, as many have just reached the legal age where they can enjoy tobacco or alcohol. But others do this because they’re stressed and need something to wind down with. But these controlled substances can do more harm, as people can become dependent on them while also experiencing various unhealthy aftereffects. It’s common for people to experience breathing difficulties after using tobacco or hangovers after consuming alcohol.

Avoid controlled substances and look for healthy alternatives instead. Enjoying vegetable sticks instead of cigarettes is a good example. You can also consume water throughout the day instead of alcohol. These strategies will help you avoid unhealthy items that might do more harm to your body than you expect.

8. Relax once in a while.

You don’t want to stress yourself far too much in med school. Thinking about your studies for too long can cause you to become stressed and unable to complete everything you’re trying to manage.

To avoid excessive stress, consider implementing some health tips for medical school into your routine. You can relax by setting a schedule focusing exclusively on relaxing and resting after a while. You could plan a time late in the day as the time when you’ll stop studying or working and start taking time for yourself. You could even take a day or two off when you don’t have any classes or other duties. Anything that lets you relax and feel at ease with yourself helps, as you’ll never feel too stressed when you know what to do.

9. Be willing to seek support as necessary.

Not all medical students can maintain healthy lives by themselves. Medical students should be willing to look for support from other people when they need it. Whether it entails talking with a counselor or speaking with family members and other trusted colleagues, you can talk with others to learn more about yourself and your role in life. You will feel more confident when you sort out your thoughts by talking with others and receiving support.

10. Plan a healthy sleep schedule.

It’s easy for med school students to forget to plan healthy sleep schedules. An adult requires about seven to eight hours of sleep each night to restore the body and allow the brain to function well. People who don’t get enough sleep won’t be ready for the day, plus they might become more reliant on unhealthy foods and behaviors.

Plan a good sleep schedule that is as consistent as possible. Prepare a positive sleep environment free of distractions and make sure the time you spend sleeping is long enough to where you will feel refreshed when you wake up. While it takes some time to get a good sleep schedule running, the work you put in can make a positive impact as you get used to it.

Do you have any other tips on how to stay healthy while in medical school? Leave a comment to us if you have something you want to share.

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